воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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Eh well maybe I have, but really, it was horrible today. We went everywhere, and did just about everything. Ok im lying again, not EVERYTHING but it was still a run around of a day. The rund-down:

1.����� Woke up, after I had gone to sleep at 4 am, at 11. That is utterly blasphemous. I donrsquo;t even know at prompted me to wake up at such an ungodly hour. Freaking not awesome.

2.����� Ugh, ok so then I had to make breakfast, which was like 2 slices of toast. Yay. Ridiculous, and then I found out that we needed to go grocery shopping to Costco. So there we went, on our merry little way, to Costco. That place is freaking awesome, I tell u. It has everything. Well we only needed a few things, but usually, when my moms here, we raid the store. Srsly, itrsquo;s amazing. Oh I met a friend from skool there. She is so pretty, nd funny, nd I miss her. *sigh* oh well I miss a lot of people from skool, esp. Teachers.

3.����� Ok so we left Costco around 4-ish? I guess so. Yea so then we had t drop something off at sum1rsquo;s house, and then went home

4.����� My back yard looks like a jungle, im pretty sure we have endangered animals in there; same for my front lawn. So my dad gets this absolutely wonderful idea to mow the yard and lawn today. So we spent probably a good hour, 2 hrs on that. It is hard shit, let me tell u. It looks good, but it is hard shit.

5.����� Ok so since I travel I need that express bus metro card thingy, so we had to go to the nearest store, and get that, and also drain opener, idk y. But yea that took a while.

6.����� Before we left for that, I had to do the laundry, so I put in the landry. We came back, and then I dried it. Managed to get a quick shower in between too. Ugh im tired but pretty ok. I just want my mom back really really quickly.

Ok yea so that was my utter useless rant of the day. It really doesnrsquo;t matter, seeing as it looks like I did nothing all day, but really I spent the entire day practically out. Freaking horrible. Ugh. Idk, im bored now. Oh yeah, hehe I gotta go study. So goodbye for now, and tilhellip;tomorrow? Yea I guess so. Bai bai

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Listen up sweetie.
We all fucking know youapos;re a fucking beautiful girl
Stuck in fucking horrible world.

95 of the fucking time,
I can fucking understand genuinely. Really.
But times like this, LIKE NOW.

Oh god Iapos;m so dead annoyed and pissed off and angry my artery is going to fucking burst
Iapos;m going ballistic.
If I could, I would wrap my huge hands around your cute neck,
And strangle the breath out of you.
One of the things I would do before I die would be to kill somemore.
And honey, youapos;re in my list. Definitely.

Iapos;m being so dead unreasonable, I know it.
But do I ever give a fuck? No.

Ugh. I hate you with every single cell I own.
Dear fucking Lord, drop me a pistol and Iapos;ll shoot that bitch right now.
God Iapos;m shivering with anger.
I need rage control people
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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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Mark Wahlstrom has published a good post entitled "The Golden Age of Structured Settlements" on The Settlement Channel. Mark lays out how an Obama Presidency coupled with the inevitable consequences of recent monetary policy make structured settlements an even more attractive option. While I share Mark's optimism, it is important not to lose sight of the fact that a structured settlement is one important alternative in the settlement planning or recovery management process and that a complete needs assessment is appropriate.

An environment of rising taxes and inflation is going make liquidity needs even more important. For example, despite what Mommy Warbucks' Cybersettle Structured Settlements says, one cannot lock in a fixed rate of 2 today and expect that it will be sufficient to cover inflation in a rising inflation environment. 2 will be a joke if we return to the inflation rates of the early 1980s. There is no question that over structuring leads to factoring and possibly factoring within the first 2 years of the structured settlement. Thoughtful planning after asking the right questions and listening will mitigate this possibility.

A rising interest rate environment will present administrative challenges for the structured settlement industry.
As a trend of rising rates materializes I believe we will see greater desire to hold off making decisions to see if rates will improve. Plaintiff attorneys jonesing to get paid� after years of litigation will need to be cautious about authorizing lock ins until they are ready to go. If you authorize a lock in and it takes you 3-4 months to draft that special needs trust or to get that surrogate order the market may have shifted dramatically. This is an issue for plaintiffs, defendants and intermediaries which will have to be clearly and carefully explained to clients. Consider:

  • Litigants will want to buy more for their settlement dollars if they can.

  • Rising interest rates will affect the discount rates to present value under New York CPLR� 50A ad 50B for cases in litigation, as well as reducing the cost of funding the future damages to be paid periodically under a structured judgment.

  • Rising taxes will affect the collateral source offset under New York CPLR 4546.

Structured annuity issuers have the opportunity to introduce new product enhancements to address these issues.

In my opinion the new NSSTA piece entitled "Structured Settlements: Protection During Economic Crisis" is generally good. There are two important points for any settlement professional to be mindful of:

1. While the majority of structured settlements have been funded via annuities issued by life insurance companies, not all structured settlements are funded in this manner. A structured settlement using the� IRC 130(d) alternative Treasury Bonds as a "qualified funding asset" can match the security and financial advantages of an annuity funded structured settlement. There are other differences between the two types of qualified funding assets that are worth being part of the discussion.

2 Use of the NSSTA handout (as currently written) in a sales presentation to New York prospects may violate New York Insurance law, which expressly states:

"No person, including an insurer, agent or affiliate of an insurer . . .
� shall make, publish, disseminate,circulate or place before the public , or cause directly
� or indirectly, to be made, published, disseminated, circulated or placed before the public
� . . . Any advertisement, announcement or statement which uses the existence of the
� [Guaranty] corporation for the purpose of sales, solicitation or inducement to purchase
� any form of insurance covered by this article,
provided, however, that this section shall
� not apply to the corporation . . . Or to prohibit the furnishing of written information in
� a form prepared by the corporation and approved by the superintendent by a member insurer
directly to a policyholder in response to a written request therefor".

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Ganked from Figgyscott.

My favorite bit from the BOOK (the far better between The Princess�Bride book and movie, as any reasonable person knows . . . )

"Inigo is beaten."

"Inconceivable" exploded the Sicilian.

Fezzik never dared disagree with the hunchback.� "Iapos;m so stupid,"�Fezzik nodded.� "Inigo has not lost to the man in black, he has defeated him, and to prove it he has put on all the man in blackapos;s clothes and masks and hoods and boots and gained eighty pounds."

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One of the things I like about Walter on Fringe is that he gleefully admits that heapos;s not sure any of his hare-brained experiments are going to work. When Olivia questions whether his contraption might fry one of the pigeons, he says todayapos;s subject line. When Astrid asks him if heapos;s sure the pigeons will find the missing magneto guy, he says "Of course not." And the scene where he is shuffling around while Olivia and his son are conversing is priceless. It looks like another of Walterapos;s wacky behavior tics, so we donapos;t suspect anything until he shocks his son with the static charge. Now we have to play "Whereapos;s Waldo" with the bald man, who can be seen in a very early scene in this past weekapos;s episode.

Iapos;m glad House and Wilson have kissed and made up. I liked the arc of the episode, from Cuddy drugging him to get him into the car with Wilson, to the revelations at the podunk police station, to the DNA swipe at the funeral. Of course there had to be a medical case attached to the theme of the things parents do to damage their children, and I found it amusing that we went from one magnetic incident to an episode of Fringe that was also based on magnetism.

We watched Baby Mama with Tina Fey and Amy Poehler last night. It was much better than I expectedmdash;less slapstick and more humor with relevance. That it also had Steve Martin and Greg Kinnear was a bonus, and Sigourney Weaverapos;s part was pretty funny, too. Most of the really funny parts were in the trailer, but that was okay, because the movie had better things to do than be hilarious. Itapos;s hard to listen to Tina Fey without hearing the annoying voice of that woman from Alaska, and sheapos;s still a better writer than an actress, but it was an okay movie.

I received my review copy of Haunted Heart: The Life and Times of Stephen King by Lisa Rogak yesterday. The book is due out in January, and I was interviewed for it, so I am reading with trepidation to see where I am quoted. Interviews are funny things, especially long, free-ranging ones. Itapos;s hard to be constantly on guard about what you say, and sometimes it is the off-hand comments that get pulled out, things I barely even remember saying. So far, Iapos;ve found one quote in the introduction. I know what I was trying to say, but absent the surrounding context Iapos;m not sure the point is made.

So, Nick, did you watch Law Order: SVU this week? For some reason I was under the impression that Elliot was gone from the series. This was one of the better SVUs in a while, and having Ellen Burstyn play his mom has a lot to do with that, I think.

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

evil doctor

No one knows why Kendra is sick.


I think I am going to make a tuna sandwich soon, that sounds good to me. I need to clean the kitchen up a little bit, especially since Jason like JUST cleaned it and then I made really horrible dinner last night and ruined it. Blargh. I was at the store earlier and would you believe it? They didnapos;t have cayenne pepper. What the hell?? Well, they did, but it was only in bulk and I didnapos;t feel like dealing with that right then. Jasonapos;s birthday is on Sunday. I have to get him a cake. We also are going to eat massive amounts of spring rolls and Thai iced tea at East and West. Iapos;m pretty excited about that, especially since the medicine my doc gave me will probably have me all chipper and feeling great by Sunday morning.


Iapos;ve basically finished my assignments for school, which is bitchin. My little binder is all organized and spiffy looking, too. I went to costco recently and got 4 2" binders and like 300 sheet protectors. Bitches be all about sheet protectors in this biz. Everything has to look all neat and shit. I didnapos;t make it super neat, to be honest, I got some dog hair on my tape, which is really annoying. I guess I need a clean space to work, haha.

Ending on a high note:

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